Welcome to steviehyperd.com, the official website for legendary underground artist and MC Stevie Hyper D. This website & all the associated content, including the forthcoming feature documentary film ‘The Hidden Influence’ and HYPER D: [RE]LIVE has been a long time in the making.
The idea behind the film and The Hyper D Legacy Project was to tell the story of British music culture through the view of one person, that being Stevie Hyper D. Stevie crossed multiple genres, from early rave music, hardcore and eventually jungle drum & bass, where to this day he remains immortal despite his early passing in 1998.
On the weekend of October 5th 2019, we will conclude shooting and production on ‘The Hidden Influence’ at Connected Festival, Lydd Airport. For those that don’t know Lydd Airport was home to World Dance in the early to mid 90s in the very early days of jungle drum & bass.
Back in July, the festival team approached us to create a show in line with the previous tribute shows, The Stevie Hyper D Experience. As we were nearing the final stages in the film production, we thought of no other better place to finish the documentary. So we agreed.
The concept for this iteration of a live experience is to capture the essence behind The Legacy Project and ultimately ‘The Hidden Influence’. The goal is to create a moment within the film, which will show the continuation of Stevie’s legacy in front of a large audience. The levels of production and on-screen content have been pushed from previous shows and we have exclusive archive video & audio only contained in the film which will please even the most harden Hyper D fan.
We are extremely grateful to Uncle Dugs, Connected Festival, Rinse FM & #RCFF for helping out with the film and giving us this opportunity for what will be a one-off exclusive for ‘The Hidden Influence’.
Words: Jamie BC
Photo credit: Tristan O’Neil